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How To Firewise Your Property
Firewise Dumpster Schedule

The Elk Ridge POA will provide a dumpster for Firewise yard waste in the Spring and in the Fall each year. 


The dumpster will be placed in the Sabrina Court cul-de-sac.  This location provided much better control and visibility of the dumpster and we think it significantly decreased usage by non Elk Ridge POA residents.  You may be asked your name and lot number when you use the dumpster; again, this is just to ensure only Elk Ridge residents are using our dumpster!  We thank everyone on or near Sabrina Court for their patience for a couple weeks.  We're happy to listen if somebody has an even better place to put it!


Please call or email Jim Tye after you've finished Firewise work so he can submit your time and expenses to qualify as a Firewise neighborhood. (928-468-2453,



Firewise reduces the chances of your home burning down in the event of a wildfire in or near Payson.  Firewise doesn't require cutting all your trees or making your property look like a desert!  Protect your home, and the homes of those around you:


-  Trim branches that extend over  your roof and remove branches within 15 feet of a chimney.


-  Clean roof gutters and valleys of pine needles and leaves.


-  Stack firewood and woodpiles away from structures.


-  Remove lower branches of trees less than 6 feet from the ground.


-  Remove dry grass, dead, or dying plants within 30 feet of structures (200 feet if you live on a hillside).



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