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POA Board Job Descriptions


PRESIDENT:  Responsible for overseeing Board activities as it relates to our community.  Official representative of the Board of Directors and the Elk Ridge Property Owners Association (POA).  Provides leadership to the Elk Ridge POA and the Board.  Prepares an agenda and presides over all meetings of members and/or Board of Directors.  Calls special meetings of the Board as is required.  Works closely with board members to establish goals for the association and ensure the community operates successfully.  Appoints board members to perform various tasks required to conduct the business of the POA.  Signs contracts, liens and other instruments authorized by the Board of Directors.  Should be familiar with the association’s governing documents and promote compliance in all regards.


VICE-PRESIDENT:  Responsible for assisting and standing in for the President of the Board.  Acts in the capacity of the President of the Board if he/she is not available.  Chairs meetings should the President of the Board not be in attendance.  Prepares and distributes agendas, if necessary.  Assists other Board members as needed.  Performs various tasks assigned by the President of the Board to conduct the business of the POA.


SECRETARY:  Responsible for and custodian of all correspondence and records.  Records in some detail and prepares minutes of all board meetings.  Mails or emails the report one week prior to the next meeting.  Records in some detail and prepares minutes of the annual meeting.  Makes 20 copies available at the next annual meeting.  Keeps copies of all agendas, minutes, and correspondence.  Prepares and organizes files so that they can be retrieved quickly as necessary.  Prepares and mails dues delinquency notices per Treasurer’s direction.  Prepares and mails other correspondence as necessary.  Keeps updated copies and forms on the computer so they may be prepared and mailed as necessary. Files (online) the annual Corporation Commission Report within 3 months of the June due date.  Sends letter to update board members and officers as well as the statutory agent at beginning of fiscal year (1 Oct).


TREASURER:  Responsible for all monies collected and expended.  Receives notebooks, checks, registers, old statements, receipt envelopes, composition book, deposit stamp, extra envelopes, stamps, address stamp, and Payson Post Office Box 1134 key, etc. from previous Treasurer.  Checks P.O. Box periodically for bank statements from Arizona State Credit Union and National Bank of Arizona.  The P.O. Box bill arrives in the mail and is $62.00 per year, payable to the Post Office by 31 July.  Distributes other mail to the appropriate Board members.  Uses the composition book to keep track of all financial transactions, and compares/reconciles with the checkbook.  Reconciles the bank statements each month and compares the composition book financial numbers with the bank statements.  Maintains the checkbook and deposit book. Tapes deposit receipts to back of the deposit slip copies. Once a year, as soon as possible after 30 Sep, turns books over to a CPA auditor.  Charge is approximately $250.00.  Audit should be made available at the next large Homeowner meeting.  Writes checks/pay bills as necessary.  Reimburses Board members for approved expenses i.e. postage, copies, supplies for annual meetings, etc.  Receipts for expenses must be provided.  Maintains receipts in the envelope designated for that year.   Annotates the check numbers used on the receipt and in the composition book.  Keeps track of expenses and compares them to the budget.  Reports both bank statement’s balances and expenses versus budget status at each monthly HOA meeting.  Each year’s bank statements are kept in their own document protector.  Receives cash and checks (via the P.O. Box) for the Homeowners annual fees (currently $31).  Deposits checks into the National Bank of Arizona.   Develops a method to keep track of who has paid and not.  Reports back to the Board at each monthly meeting on the status of payables.  The Treasurer reports unpaid POA dues to the Secretary who sends out late letters to homeowners.


ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE CHAIR:  Responsible for reviewing and taking action on architectural matters.  Reviews all architectural requests, whether construction related or complaint related, insures they are signed off by at least two of the three person committee.  As per the CC&Rs and the Architectural Guidelines, the Committee reviews and either approves or disapproves in writing all requests for new construction of any dwelling unit upon any lot.  Reviews and either approves or disapproves in writing all requests for exterior alterations and/or modifications to the dwelling unit or the placement of any other exterior improvement upon any lot.  Answers all requests within 30 days of receipt.  Records in a log book all requests received and their disposition, along with copies of the request.  Responds to complaints of CC&R and/or Architectural Guidelines violations.  First determines that the complaint is valid and, if valid, sends a letter to the homeowner requesting correction of the violation.  If the homeowner does not comply with the request for correction, the Chair elevates the violation to the Board of Directors.


NEW OWNER LIAISON:  Responsible for all functions relating to new owners.  Keeps mailing/contact list updated, adding new owners and making necessary changes using information from title companies and homeowners.  Keeps updated copies and forms on the computer so they may be prepared and mailed as necessary.  Receives notice of escrow openings from title companies and provide requested information about lots in escrow by mail or fax.  Prepares new owner information packet and mail as required by ARS 33-1806A (and New Purchaser Checklist) within ten days of notice of pending sale from the title company.  Keeps track of Contact Information Request Forms sent out in new owner packets, enter information on mailing list, and follow up if a signed Contact Information Request is not returned to us.  File copies of letters, proof of mailing, and signed returned forms under New Owner Info for future reference.

©2017 by Elk Ridge Property Owners' Association


PO Box 1134
Payson, AZ 85541


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